than 20 miles of creeks are spread across the city of Citrus Heights, including
Arcade, Brooktree, Cripple, Coyle, Mariposa and San Juan creeks. These creek
corridors are generally adjacent to residential neighborhoods and commercial
centers and offer residents neighborhood connections and access to these
wonderful natural amenities. Although many of these creek corridors have
informal trail networks, very few are paved trails that provide access for all
Shortly after the City's incorporation, staff initiated the
development of the City's first
Bikeway Master Plan. The original
plan development included various on-street (Class II and III) bike facilities
as well as Class I bike paths along three short stretches of creek corridors.
The creek corridors have been considered as potential trail corridors for
several years. Until the 2013 Creek Corridor Trail Project, no feasibility
studies or preliminary engineering have been completed.
In August 2011, the
City adopted an updated
General Plan and
Environmental Impact Report that addressed
sustainability topics such as climate change, water quality, mobility and
complete streets. A number of goals were identified, including "establish a
system of creek side trails, passive open space and parks for public use." The
Creek Corridor Trail Project will play a major role in the ultimate location of
future multi-use trails within the creek corridors. The analysis will include
alignment options for each feasible segment of trail within the creek corridor.
The City intends to use the Creek Corridor Trail Project to define and
incorporate feasible trail segments into future policy documents, including the
Plan, Pedestrian Master Plan,
Master Plan, Safe Routes to School Master Plan and ADA Master Plan.
The City hopes to ultimately provide improved connections to key destinations
for pedestrians and cyclists (schools, shopping, neighborhoods, parks and other
trail networks); improve access to the creek corridors for all residents;
increase the number of recreational facilities to more neighborhoods; and
improve transportation choices within the city.
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